The Magurans

The Magurans

Monday, November 19, 2012

Weekend at Grann's

This weekend, we went to Detroit to visit Grann. We got in Friday night and the boys had so much fun playing with all the toys in her basement. Will loves her shopping cart and food and Alex really liked the musical table.  Will had fun camping out in the guest room with mom and dad.   

On Saturday, Grann took the boys to Sommerset so Phil and I could go to Ann Arbor for a while. We didn't go to the game but we were able to see some friends, walk around, and watched part of the game at Ashley's. Grann wore Will out riding the moving sidewalks, the mini escalators, and the elevators at the mall. After we got back from Ann Arbor, we all went out to dinner and then let the kiddos play some more.

On Sunday, we went and walked the trails in the morning.  After lunch, we packed up and headed home.  It was so nice out that Phil and Will were able to go to Calvin to walk around for a while before dinner.

We are looking forward to a short work week!


Will really wanted to play in the snow we got last week!

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