Monday, February 4, 2013

A little bit of this and that

Phil had to go to Amsterdam this week for work. He left on Sunday afternoon and came home late Thursday night. The boys and I filled our time with play dates, a trip to the Public Museum, dinner at the Hofmeyer's, and playing outside in the 50 degree weather. 

On Friday night, we went to the Lakeside Carnival. It was crazy! There were games in the different classrooms, bounce houses set up in the gym, and pizza/salad for dinner. Will played a couple games but was most interested in the bounce houses. We met up with a lot of friends and their kids. Will had a great time and was sad when we ran out of tickets and had to head home.

The weather changed dramatically at the end of the week.  We had snow on and off on Thursday and Friday.  It was snowing pretty hard when we left the carnival on Friday night, but we weren't expecting what we got.  We probably have over 12" on the ground right now.  We finally have winter!

On Sunday, we were invited over to our friends' house for a super bowl party.  The kids (9 in total) had fun playing and chasing each other around. 

Below are a few videos of Alex.  He has figured out how to get on his rocking horse, rock for a bit, and get off.  He is also getting better at the shape sorter.  He doesn't pick the right hole yet, but he can get a few of them in (circle, star, and square) without help if they are lined up for him.  When I don't line it up, he gets frustrated and starts banging them on the top.       
Tractor at the Museum

Streets of Grand Rapids

Pushing Buttons

More Buttons

It was 50 degrees on Tuesday and Wednesday

Snacking like a big boy

Puddle Jumping

Lakeside Carnival

Playing at the Gardens

Sibling Duet

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