Wednesday, February 27, 2013

More Snow and Basketball

We had another big snow storm last night. We went out after dinner yesterday to play with Aaron and Sam while it was still coming down. This morning, the boys went out again for quite a while before Will's basketball class at school. Unfortunately, I only had my phone so I have a lot of video clips instead of a "best of." It is an 8 week class and they will focus on a different sport each week. He seemed to enjoy it.

Had to climb the tree!

The snow was almost as tall as Alex

The day before the latest snowstorm - painting the snow with spray bottles

Making his own snowman

Brothers on a walk

Taking a knee

We have been reading chapter books with Will - the Magic Tree House series. He loves them. This Lego project was based on Mummies in the Morning.  Inside the structure are his Lego zookeepers who he decided where the two main characters - Jack and Annie.  He also built a set of stairs (key to the plot) and put a black cat in there.  He wanted to build torches but we didn't have the right pieces.   

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