Monday, September 9, 2013

First Day of Preschool

Today was Will's first day of preschool. He was pretty excited in the morning, although, it was probably due to the fact that class was only 1 hour today and mom and dad got to go with him... Will picked out his outfit today: an orange t-shirt and a hoodie with bright orange zipper and inner lining. He actually posed nicely for his back to school photo. 

We had fun with William at orientation. His teacher was very nice and he has a full class of 12 students. We went around the room to the various stations and completed different activities. We also found his coat hook, mailbox, and the bathrooms. We were able to sign up to volunteer at the Halloween party and were assigned a day to bring in a snack. We also learned they are going on a field trip in October to a farm which should be a lot of fun.

 Hopefully William enjoys day 2 when he has to stay by himself.

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