Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Week with Alex

Last week, William got to go up north with Grandpa to visit Aunt Mara and Uncle Ken. He had a lot of fun on the boat, at Lake Michigan, roasting hotdogs on a campfire, and going for walks in the woods. While he was gone, Alex and I had fun back in Kalamazoo. We took a few nice walks to "Frog Pond" to visit the frogs and fish and to throw in rocks. We spent a nice hour at the greenhouse up the road playing with their fountains and checking out their fish pond. We also did some fun art projects. It was nice to have the one on one time with Alex. But he was so happy to see his brother when he got home. He immediately ran up and gave him a big hug. It was very sweet. I think William missed him a little, too! 

On Saturday, we took a family bike ride to the 12th Street playground which is about a 3 mile ride.  The boys looked cute in their Michigan jerseys and were mistaken for twins... Then we went to a neighborhood cookout where they spent 4 hours running around with a bunch of kids ranging from 7 weeks to 10 years.  They both slept in on Sunday which was nice since we stayed up late to watch the game.
Getting ready to go north

Happy Artist

At the greenhouse with mom

Fun times at Frog Pond

Go Blue!

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