Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Peanut Allergy Update

Alex had his annual allergy appointment earlier this fall. They decided that based on his previous blood scores (6.5) and the fact that he hadn't had any reactions, he should go in for another blood test. If his number fell below a 2, he would be eligible for an in office oral peanut challenge. We went in for blood work and the results came back at 1.98! So, we were able to get the food challenge on the calendar. On Tuesday, Phil took Alex in for his appointment. They started off with a scratch test. They gave him little pokes and put peanut butter directly on his skin. Then they waited 15 minutes to see if there was a reaction. He just barely passed the skin test but they decided to proceed. The next step was to put some peanut butter on his gums. He passed that without any problems. Then they moved on to ingestion. He ate four peanut butter crackers but developed hives around his mouth and sniffles. So they had to cancel the test. They gave him Benadryl and monitored him in the office until everything went back to normal. We are still hopeful that he may still outgrow his allergy. We will go back for more blood work in a couple years.
Heading in for Testing
Fingers Crossed!
Skin Test
Gum Test
Peanut Butter Crackers
Hives.  :(
Rough Morning - But Grandma make a good pillow

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