Monday, November 16, 2015

Pizza with the Players

On Sunday afternoon, we were invited by KOHA to "Pizza with the Players" at Lawson Ice Arena. We had an open skate with all the WMU hockey players. After the skate, we could get autographs and have pizza. It was a very fun event. Alex did a great job skating around the rink - he's getting to be a decent little skater. We couldn't keep up with Will - but he was nice enough to stop by to say hi to us every now and then. William, who is normally very chatty, was pretty shy around the players despite the fact that they were all very nice. Alex had a few players stop to give him a "high five" when they saw him getting up from a fall all by himself. Alex had CHUM's "Little Bear" this weekend so we took him along for all our adventures!
The Red Wings have the rights to #22
Alex loved having Little Bear

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