Thursday, January 3, 2019

Birthday Fun

We had a lot of fun celebrating Alex's birthday. On January 1, we decided to give him his big gift from us since Phil had to go back to work on the 2nd. We didn't want him to have to wait all day to open it. We gave him an electric keyboard because he wants to start taking piano lessons. He was very excited! On his actual birthday, he woke up to streamers and a "7" balloon outside his door. The kitchen was decorated and he opened a few gifts while eating his birthday donut. We took a trip to Airway for bowling (Alex won our first game) and the arcade. Phil came home from work a little early so we could have cake and open his last few gifts from us. One present was a puzzle cube he had to solve to get the first clue for a scavenger hunt. At the end of the hunt, he found some scratch lotto tickets and won $17. While Will was at hockey, we cashed the tickets in and he spent a little of his earnings buying Pokémon cards and candy at the dollar store. He said he had a great birthday!

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