Monday, April 30, 2012

Birthday Morning

William had a wonderful birthday morning. He woke up really early - 5am. We think he was excited! He climbed into bed with us and went back to sleep for a while. Then we had special breakfast pancakes (with sprinkles) before opening presents from mom and dad, Grann, and Aunt Maran and Uncle Josh.

Will had fun opening all his gifts. He liked to stop and play with things as he opened them so it took a fair amount of time. He really like his new HiHo Cherry-o game. We played it several times throughout the morning. He also really liked his Lego CD player from Grann and the soccer net from Aunt Maran and Uncle Josh.

His big gift from Mom and Dad was a new sandbox in the backyard and some new sand toys. The sandbox is 4' x 8' and should keep both boys (and their friends) occupied for years to come.

Snoopy t-shirt and movies

Lego CD Player

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