Monday, April 23, 2012

Working Weekend

We had a very busy and productive weekend.  On Friday night, we had some friends over for pizza.  On Saturday, we tackled the 7 cubic yards of mulch we had delivered.  Both boys were a big help.   Will entertained himself by climbing the giant pile but also used his shovel to fill his wheelbarrow.  He ran around saying, "This is hard work!"  His efforts earned him $5 for his piggy bank.  Alex helped by hanging out strapped to Kristen while she spread the mulch and later in his bumbo seat.  We got through 6.5 yards on Saturday and finished up the last little bit on Sunday (we extended one of our beds and needed to buy/put down paper to prevent grass and weed growth).  Saturday night, we walked up to Gaslight for Subway (super exciting dinner) and on Sunday Phil and Will went to Java Gym while Kristen and Alex ran errands.  Both days, Will asked to ride his bike to visit Oma at the nursing home.  All in all, it was a good weekend. 

Less than one week until Will's 3rd birthday - he is so excited for his party!

Supervising mulch distribution

Will built this tower all by himself

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