Tuesday, May 5, 2020

COVID 19 - Shelter in Place - Day 53

Happy Cinco de May and Happy Birthday to me! The boys made me very sweet birthday cards and then I got to go on a birthday scavenger hunt for my gifts! One of my presents was a new 1,000 piece puzzle of National Park patches. I got right to work! It is a fun one and much more colorful than the lighthouse. After lunch, we heard honking outside. My mom and Aunt Mara drove down to surprise me for my birthday. They only stayed for a little while and we social distanced in the yard. It was so nice to see them! The boys really wanted to head back to Grand Rapids with them. We ordered in dinner - Middle Eastern food for the adults and Wendy's for the boys. I also received a lot of calls, texts, and facebook messages. It was a great day.

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