Sunday, June 21, 2020

COVID 19 - Social Distancing - Day 100

Happy Father's Day! We started the day bright and early with Will's baseball game.  The boys played well but weren't able to beat the Rebels.  They seem to do better each time they play them.  When we got home, Grann arrived for a visit.  We hadn't seen her since the beginning of March when she came to Will's hockey tournament in Trenton.  We went for a walk and then had lunch on the patio.  Then Phil decided he wanted to go to the fish hatchery.  It was fun to look in the show pond - we saw the 6' sturgeon along the bottom.  Later in the afternoon, Phil played catch with Alex and hit baseballs with Will.  Then we settled in for the next episode of the Ken Burns National Parks documentary.  

I think this is going to be my last "COVID" post for a while.  I have reached 100 posts and now that things are starting to open up it seems like a good time to stop.  If we have to lock down again in the future, I'll restart the daily posts.  

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