Sunday, June 7, 2020

COVID 19 - Social Distancing - Day 86

Today, I went to Grand Rapids to help my mom with a few things around her condo. While I was gone, the boys went for a walk on one of the local trails and then hit baseballs in the park. Alex was very excited to see that his science project was working. He created a cave to show how stalactites form. The instructions said it would take up to a week to work - and they were right! We were on day 7 and finally had a nice stalactite hanging from the string. Phil is also on a mission to rid our yard of rabbits. There are so many this year. He relocated the 5 that were in our garden earlier this spring but every night we see bunnies everywhere. He has caught and relocated three additional rabbits and won't stop until they are fully grown and too fast for us.

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