Friday, July 25, 2014

Green Thumbs

We have been having a lot of fun with our garden this summer. William is responsible for watering it every day. When he was out of town, Alex gladly stepped in. They are really good at helping me hunt down cucumbers, zucchini (we had one "monster" that was hiding along the side), and beans. They also like watching the tomatoes turn red. Our yield has been great so far and there are tons of veggies still growing! 

 Zucchini - 15 (numerous still growing and several flowers) 
Cucumbers - 7 (with 5 more almost ready to pick and about 10-15 tiny ones and more flowers) 
Tomatoes - 3 (about 25 still growing on the vine) 
Carrots - 2 (they still need a few more weeks to grow, should end up with 20 or so) 
Beans - 4 oz (and still growing!) 
Peppers - not our best producers, 1 red and 1 green pepper still growing 
Lettuce - 4 heads which keep reproducing as we cut leaves

We had an elusive zucchini in the garden... oops!

What's up, doc?

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