Monday, August 14, 2017

Alligator Sanctuary

The boys and I took a trip to the Critchlow Alligator Sanctuary in Athens, MI. They have over 150 alligators that were either injured or were someone's pet at some point. They continue to add new animals (in fact, they got a call from Texas about a donation while we were there) and to add more ponds. The alligators are fattened up during the summer months and then hibernate indoors during the winter. The owner runs tours continuously throughout the day and you just join when you arrive and leave once you have seen it all! The boys were able to feed the different alligators and even hold a baby at the end. It was a fun way to spend the day.
The alligator on the left was tied to a stake by his tail (you can see the deformity) and the one in the water has a crooked back.  The one on the right is actually 28 years old but spent its entire life in a small tank in a dark basement.  It should be over 10 feet long by now.  These critters are in the special needs ponds.  They are being monitored to see if they continue to grow or if they will need additional support their whole lives.
William was chosen to be a volunteer
Feeding Spot - they respond to their names.
Looking at Godzilla - their biggest gator.  
The babies.

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