Sunday, March 22, 2020

Alex's Updated Room

On Sunday, we finished putting Alex's room back together. Originally, we were planning to put the bunk beds in there. Unfortunately, due to the configuration of his room (window location, ceiling fan) there wasn't an ideal spot to put it. We told him he could still have the bunks but we would take down the fan and part of the window would be blocked. It was a tough decision for him. We came up with the idea of using the other mattress as a trundle (we will eventually build a frame with wheels for it) under the twin bed. That way he would still have it for sleepovers and camp outs with Will and Phil. He really liked that idea and is so happy with how his room turned out. We are keeping the frame for the bunk bed in the basement so he can always decide later to put it back on.
Just reading in his new bed

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