Friday, March 20, 2020

COVID 19 - Social Distancing - Day 7

It's Friday! Besides some light school work, board games, baking and outdoor play we also started one of our big projects: Repainting Alex's room. Will has decided to pass on the bunk beds (he will get a full size bed) and Alex is excited to have them. We started taking everything out of his room and patching the walls. Alex is a little sad to lose his tent, but he knows he can use it with our air mattress if he wants to camp inside. The Portage Public School District put out a website with some resources for home enrichment, but has stated they would not be doing true online learning since not all students have access. Today, the Michigan Department of Education announced that virtual learning would not count towards teaching requirements. We are hoping they come up with a plan to waive some of the missed days due to COVID 19, much like they did last year during the Polar Vortex. Michigan is now up to 549 cases.
Will snuck in at some point

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