Monday, March 23, 2020

COVID 19 - Shelter in Place - Day 10

Today we woke up to a few inches of wet snow on the ground. It certainly was pretty! Governor Whitmer announced at 11am that Michiganders were required to "shelter in place" starting at midnight tonight. All non-essential businesses are required to close and we should limit contact to our immediate family. The total number of cases in Michigan is up to 1328 and we now have three confirmed cases in Kalamazoo county. We spent the day inside - the boys actually stayed in PJs all day. We started the process of repainting Will's room. We emptied it out, filled the nail holes, and taped. We start painting tomorrow! Since my girls' weekend was cancelled, we had a zoom call so we could all catch up. Unfortunately, two of our friends were stuck on work calls this evening and couldn't join but it was still fun.

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