Wednesday, March 25, 2020

COVID 19 - Shelter in Place - Day 12

Today was a beautiful day! We started the morning with some "school" work: math, Home Safari, piano, Lexia, and Turing Tumbles. We also assembled Will's new bed and started moving a few things back into his room. At 11, we went outside so Will could start another fire. We promised the boys they could roast hot dogs over the fire. Around 11:30 the sun came out and we ended up out by the fire for 2-3 hours. Then the boys played hover hockey and hover football while I worked in Will's room a bit more. At 4:30, Will's hockey team had a Zoom meeting which was a lot of fun for them. Then we went outside for some baseball practice before grilling hamburgers for dinner. We went for a walk around the neighborhood and are now settled in for the night. Michigan is now reporting 2,295 cases of COVID-19 and Kalamazoo County is up to 5 confirmed cases.

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