Sunday, March 29, 2020

COVID 19 - Shelter in Place - Day 16

We woke up to 56 degrees and sun... which meant coffee on the porch! We needed blankets but it was so cozy out there. It is our happy place! Unfortunately, the high winds kicked in mid morning and the temperature dropped. But, it was fun to enjoy it while it lasted. We spent a good portion of the morning cleaning the house. It feels good to have it cleaned and put back together after all the work in the boys' rooms. We took a family walk before dinner and Will managed to beat his Zelda game on the Switch. Alex is not too far behind him and will probably win in the next day or so. There was a big spike in cases in Michigan - we are now up to 5,486. President Trump just announced he was extending social distancing guidelines through April 30.
I love this view!

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